Elgin-to-Lookingglass Section
We need your help! If you are a trail-with-rail supporter and resident of Union County, please contact the County Commissioners’ office to voice your support for this project!
Our organization’s recent efforts on this trail section have been stalled due to an unexpected lack of support from the Wallowa Union Railroad Authority (WURA) regarding submission of our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to the Union County Planning Commission.
Union County Commissioner Matt Scarfo is the WURA co-chair for Union County. We NEED local trail supporters to call or write county commissioners and speak out in favor of the trail, so it becomes clear to WURA and to Union County that the majority of residents want to see this trail built in their community. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors that we believe the trail will be a community asset for generations to come, revitalize downtown Elgin businesses, and provide safe and easy access to outdoor recreation.
Please call, voice your support, and urge WURA to support our CUP application moving forward in a public process at the county level.