Elgin-to-Lookingglass Section
The Elgin City Section of the Joseph Branch Trail is Open!
A big thank you to everyone who celebrated with us!
We are working toward approval of a Conditional Use Permit application by the Wallowa Union Railroad Authority, the intergovernmental organization that publicly owns the rail corridor right-of-way. The approval of this application and its subsequent submission to the Union County Planning Commission is the next step toward building more trail-with-rail beyond city-limits from Elgin all the way to Lookingglass and Rondowa. Stay tuned here and sign-up for our e-news for the latest updates on the Joseph Branch Trail!
On June 15, 2024, we had a Ribbon-Cutting Celebration at which 60+ local supporters of the trail-with-rail enjoyed live music, a free BBQ, playing GAGA Ball, and of course walking the newly opened trail section in Elgin!
In March, 2024, Construction began on the in-city section of the Trail-with-Rail, the very first trail section of this project, began by Ron King of King Construction Services LLC.
In September, 2023, construction started on the Elgin Pocket Park Trailhead, which includes ADA parking, picnic tables, and benches; a bicycle rack and fix-it station; an EV charging station; a covered gazebo; interpretive signs, a drinking fountain, and more!
On May 20, 2023 we hosted a Groundbreaking Celebration of the trail’s very first trailhead, which will also serve as a pocket park for the City of Elgin. We had a huge turnout — including local Girl Scouts — with some 30+ people wielding shovels, a team doing cleanup along the tracks, and others planting a tree!
On April 12, 2023, we hosted a Walking Tour of the trailhead/pocket park site and first trail section, visited local schools, and met with residents — all led by the consultant planning team through an ODOT grant.
Call to Action: Contact Union County Commissioners!
We NEED local trail supporters to call or write county commissioners and speak out in favor of the trail, so it becomes clear to WURA and Union County that the majority of residents DO indeed want to see this trail built in their community.
We need your help! If you are a trail-with-rail supporter and resident of Union County, please contact the County Commissioners’ office to voice your support for this project!
Our organization’s recent efforts on this trail section have been stalled due to an unexpected lack of support from the Wallowa Union Railroad Authority (WURA) regarding submission of our Conditional Use Permit (CUP) application to the Union County Planning Commission.
Union County Commissioner Matt Scarfo is the WURA co-chair for Union County. We NEED local trail supporters to call or write county commissioners and speak out in favor of the trail, so it becomes clear to WURA and to Union County that the majority of residents want to see this trail built in their community. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors that we believe the trail will be a community asset for generations to come, revitalize downtown Elgin businesses, and provide safe and easy access to outdoor recreation.
Please call, voice your support, and urge WURA to support our CUP application moving forward in a public process at the county level.