Joseph Branch Trail Consortium
The Joseph Branch Trail Consortium (JBTC) is a diverse group of citizens and organizations whose mission is to develop a multi-use, non-motorized trail-with-rail along the railroad tracks within the publicly owned Wallowa Union Railroad Authority’s (WURA) rail corridor. JBTC is made up of voices from Union and Wallowa Counties, including medical, outfitting, engineering, veterans, equestrian, bicycling, hiking, Nez Perce Trails Foundation, and other groups.
Our Team
Board Advisors
Sara Miller
Sara became involved with the trail through her work in regional community and economic development with NEOEDD, first assisting with acquisition of the rail corridor by Union and Wallowa counties, and later through support for trail planning and community outreach. She sees the trail providing many benefits for our region. It can add to the region's livability by providing easy access to a safe place for residents of a varying ages to walk, run, and bike. It can also help local businesses who rely on visitors by enhancing the area's recreational opportunities. Sara hope to one day be able to ride bikes on the trail with her grandkids.
Deputy Director, Northeast Oregon Economic Development District (NEOEDD)
Co-Owner Bunchgrass Enterprises
Interests: Local food and agriculture, hiking, swimming, imaginative play
Natalie Millar
Natalie grew up enjoying all that Wallowa County has to offer. She believes a safe bike-able, runnable, and walkable trail was, and is, something that would have, and will have, a huge impact on Wallowa County life and transportation choices. Her interest in being part of this project started through conversations within the community and grew as she learned more about the opportunities it would provide for safer recreation and commuting options for people of all abilities and ages.
General Manager & CFO, Terminal Gravity Brewing
Former JBTC Treasurer
Interests: Backpacking, Hiking, Biking, Reading, Cooking, Skiing
Community: VITA/AARP Volunteer Tax Preparation through Community Connections
Jacob Losby
Jacob was born and raised in La Crosse, WI which has an extensive trail system similar to the one proposed, and close to the oldest rail trail in the United States. Having that access to the great outdoors was a priceless gift growing up, and it gave people of all ages the chance to lead more active lives. He was fortunate enough to operate a business in the Joseph from 2014-2021 and wants to give back to the community that has given him so much. He believes one of our greatest assets is our access to the outdoors, but unfortunately not everyone has the same ability to enjoy it due to its rugged terrain. Jacob is an avid runner, track coach, and running ambassador who would love to see a trail built that affords Wallowa County residents, both young and old, the same opportunity he had growing up.
Supply Chain Manager - Terminal Gravity Brewing; Former Co-Owner Old Town Cafe
Former JBTC President
Community: Assistant Track & Field Coach at Joseph Charter School, High School Sports Broadcaster, Terminal Gravity Trivia Night Founder/Host
Interests: Running, Hiking, Cycling, Track & Field
Kyle Bratcher
Kyle’s interest in the trail started with the potential of better fishing access to the Wallowa River between Rock Creek and Rondowa. While he is still interested in future fishing access, his interest has shifted to using the trail for evening walks with his girlfriend, Emily, and pup, Keta. They often hike the wilderness trails and county roads, but are excited for the close to home opportunities the trail would provide.
Fish Biologist, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife
Community: Search and Rescue Member
Interests: Avid Angler, River Running Backpacking, Hunting, and Bird Watching
Larz Stewart
Development Director, Wallowa Resources:After growing up in the neighboring Grande Ronde Valley, Larz left to play intercollegiate basketball and start a career in the big city, but he always dreamed of returning to NE Oregon and giving back to the place and people that helped craft his values and a strong sense of place. After spending most of his career working in the metropolitan areas of Honolulu, Beijing, and Portland, he’s excited to be back in the mountains and living in a vibrant rural community. He has a passion for connecting people to the natural resources that support them, outdoor education, and bridging the urban/rural divide. He is excited to be an advocate for the land stewards across the west that are doing great things for the land, water and communities.
Development Director- Wallowa Resources
Interests: Hiking, Water Sports, Jam Sessions, Languages, and Family Time
Jen Wing
A Washington native, Jennifer is from a fifth generation 12,000 acre irrigated family farm in south central Washington. She moved to Wallowa County in 2006 to use her OSU degree in Forestry. However, while here she saw healthcare as a growing field and obtained a nursing degree. She joined the JBTC Board to improve our community’s overall health by providing recreation opportunities to enjoy Wallowa County’s amazing landscape to everyone of every age and ability. She believes that this trail will be a legacy providing an attractive, safe, accessible space to allow people of all ages and abilities to incorporate exercise into their daily routines, for generations to come.
Nurse at Wallowa Memorial Hospital
Former JBTC Secretary
Community: Member, Ferguson Ridge Ski Patrol
Interests: Avid hiker, Backpacker, Skier & Cyclist, Adventure, Agriculture
Charlie Gillis
Charles Gillis has lived in Union county since 1983. In that time he has worked as a waiter, nurse, nurse practitioner, and since 2010, as an attorney. He chooses to live in Union county because it is a wonderful place to raise a family and because of the wealth of outdoor activities available. He has longed for a trail from Elgin to Joseph since first learning of the possibility of such a trail in the 1990s.
Attorney - Charles H. Gillis Attorney at Law
Interests: Cycling, Hiking, Fishing